Become A GRN Member Today!
Today millions of people are living in recovery from substance use disorders. Local, regional, and national organizations are operating as recovery advocates throughout Asia, Africa, Europe, Latin America, and the United States.
A new global platform, sponsored by a collective of international organizations, is uniting individuals in a common mission to promote a universal understanding of recovery and the diversity of ways in which it can be successfully practiced.
We invite you to join the Global Recovery Network (GRN)—as an individual or as an organization---to participate in a global recovery community dedicated to the building and reinforcing of personal, social, and cultural recovery capital throughout the world.
As a GRN member, you will share in the latest recovery research, recovery support training, and connect with others in virtual and face-to-face forums designed to foster personal and professional alliances that will ensure that all those seeking recovery will find it.

Top Five reasons to get involved with the GRN:
Because we:
- Support training, knowledge expansion and mentoring for recovery workforce
- Nurture and empower the workforce through professional connection
- Promote research-based recovery messaging
- Work to eliminate discriminationand stigma against those in recovery
- Empower recovery advocates by facilitating the sharing of experiences, knowledge, and activities to stimulate professional growth
Note: GRN is not a support group for people in recovery and does not offer any therapeutic services